Did you help Ms. Nie yesterday? Designmom (awesome blog by the way) set up "Nie Nie Day" full of fundraising auctions and, more than that, an amazing show of force that people who don't know each other can help each other. I scored a fun new bracelet and sent all the money for said bangle to help Nie and her family with recovery. You can still help too...just click on the link above and enjoy the chance to help another. Remember the truth bearing quote "to help another person is to see the Face of God" (Victor Hugo)
And...Just a little reminder from me. So many of us have been touched by the tragedy of Nie. Such a good person, such a horrible accident. Sometimes it is easy to climb the bandwagon when tragedy happens and we see it so obviously, so openly affect the lives of so many. But, please let us all remember, we never know the silent burdens that are being carried by our friends, our neighbors, the clerk at the grocery store or the person we stand next to in that grocery store check out line. Sometimes we see the way another carries her burden and we are strengthened and lifted. And sometimes, just sometimes, that nobility and strength in another is actually the pinprick that reminds us that we-though we wish it were different-don't carry our woes in likewise manner.
Reach out to those who are around you. Remind them they have value. Remember you are valued above gold and riches yourself, especially on those days when you feel clumsy and painfully not noble as you carry the load that weighs down your own heart.
We can lift the ones who suffer silently, as well as those whose suffering inspires the masses. A kind word, a moment of patience, an understanding heart can make the difference for one who suffers so silently that you'd never know anything was wrong.
In honor of Ms. Nie; spiritual enlightenment here.
Happy Long weekend, see you Tuesday.