Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Signing Off from Northwood

This will be my last post from our address on Northwood Road. I signed the papers just an hour ago leaving our beautiful home in the eager care of another family. There is no doubt at all that this move was meant to be, but it doesn't make the feelings of longing for this spot of earth go all the way away. I've loved these walls, this garden, those windows. I've enjoyed the sound of my kids splashing in the scary swimming pool and the happy view of snow capped Mount Olympus from my own front door. I can hardly believe I got to live in this terrific house; so lucky to have had time to call this my home.
When John first announced impressions that coming to Utah was a good move for our family, I went on a drive with my sister to "stake out neighborhoods". Mandy is very neighborhood savvy, and she drove me through the quaint streets of Salt Lake with running commentary on each area. It was a terrific drive, and at the end of it we pulled in front of this house. "oh Mandy, I know I could live in that house for the rest of my life." Those were my words. I loved the location, the way the property sits, the way the house is set back from the street. The ancient trees in the front yard and the squished mortar of the brick. Yep, this was our spot and I knew it.
But sometimes God knows better, and i am slowly learning that if I'll trust Him and let Him lead me (sometimes away from things and people who matter so much to me) He opens my eyes to His view of what our life can be; and His view is always better than my own.
So I guess I'll say goodbye for now. Goodbye Mt. Olympus and ancient trees. Goodbye rickety swimming pool and goodbye beautiful windows. Goodbye granite counter tops and just the right sized bathtub. Good bye to all of that...
Hello to the heat of South Africa. Hello to new faces and accents. Hello to adventure and education. Hello, most importantly, to my John. Hello to all of this that, and to whatever else awaits us.
"Lead kindly light, amidst encircling gloom
Lead thou me on
the night has come and I am far from home
Lead thou me on
Keep not my feet
I do not ask to see...the distant scene
One step enough, for me."


  1. Beautiful. I'm sorry you have to leave Northwood but am personally quite excited about the Hello John part. See you soon.

  2. Katie I'm so sad that I missed you! We got home from our vacation last night, and I'm guessing from this post that you are now gone.

    I don't know when/if our physical paths will cross again, but I am grateful for the short intersection we've shared here. You've blessed me in ways that you aren't aware.

    God speed and keep you all! I hope we can keep in touch through the years.
    ♥ Jeuls
    PS: in honor of your tag, I invite you to visit my new blog:

  3. Katie- It just hit me reading this that it is all really happening. Even cleaning your fridge didn't make me feel like you were really going! I will miss your hous too, it has been such a great gathering place for all of us. Most of all I will miss you and my wonderful nieces and nephews! I am so glade that this time you are across the see we have things like blogs so we can better share our lives with each other! Love you!

  4. Yo Jenny. You're going to miss Katie and your nieces and nephews? Is someone conspicuously missing from this endearing note? Hmmmm? :)

  5. I am not GOING to miss you I ALREADY miss you! Family dinner conversations are always more funny when your around, your comedic timing is perfect! Plus it is easy to laugh at your laugh :)And DANG! will I miss you cooking!
