Friday, August 03, 2007

Three and Counting...

They say we need to have the demeanor of a child in order to be ready to live in the presense of our maker; such a meek and unconditional love as Molly's is proof positive that this is true. Our Molly has celebrated birthday number 3. Kinda feel bad for the little darlin'. Dad was gone for the second year in a row. Last year's happy day found him across the ocean bringing home a new baby sister. This year we find him across the ocean again, bringing home the bacon that paid for her birthday presents. Thank goodness it is bliss being small. Thank goodness for forgiving and love-filled toddlers whose generosity makes it so that they feel loved and doted on even when dad can't be present.
Our poor dear had to put up with a lot of excitement, as we sold our house amidst competing offers and long distance phone calls with dad concerning final adendums to our counter offers. She even endured a bit of a bout with the stomach flu on her big day. But that didn't seem to stop us from celebrating. We had cousins and cake at the indoor swimming pool; Grandma Noodle supplied the cake and my siblings supplied the cousins! Molly's birthmom "momElizabeth" was also there to celebrate, which made the event extra special. Molly's day ended with a dinner of her chosing, tacos made at home with crunchy shells. Such a simple request from such a sweet little girl.
You know, i was not present for Molly's earthly debut. I, her future mother, was miles away from her birth. But from the day she was placed in my care I've loved this little spirit and all she is and can become. I feel it such a priviledge to parent her; even at times when I feel I do it inadequately. I've promised myself again and again that come birthday #4 we will throw a proper party and that dad won't miss it for the world; but I wonder what will happen if I can't make good on that personal promise? Dads travel, and life happens-and somehow I think this little Molly, with her resiliant beginning and her quiet entry into our lives, will understand. She goes with the flow, and she does it with a smile and a forgiving "I love you". Somehow this little one knows her place is secure with us, and no perfect birthday celebration will change the value she has in our lives nor dminish the vast love we posess for her in our hearts. Happy Birthday to my unsinkable Molly Brown-eyes. I love you so big my Molly girl!
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  1. I wish she could have said "Guess what everyone? I just had fun to my Daddy" like she did a few weeks ago.

    How said to be away on her special day. It seems to be my lot to be away on special days. I had my own little celebration for Molly from across the sea.

    Happy Birthday Miss Molly!

  2. I know she will be the one I miss most next to you, Katie. So glad she is part of our lives.

  3. I love this big eyed beauty!
