Tuesday, August 28, 2007

To Sophie From Madi

From one dear second grader to another; this is a note from our Madi to her best buddy Sophie. I’m posting it here just in case the email we sent doesn’t reach Sophie super quick. Madi is really thinking with concern for her dear friend as school begins bright and early on Monday morning and Madi is very keenly aware that she will not be seeing Sophie in class this year;

Dear Sophie,
How ya doing? I'm great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Africa's awsome! I wsh you
were here with me. On saturday we went to Lesedi.
It is 5 villages together in 1 piece of land. the 1st villige was named Zulu.
The 2nt villige was named Pedi.The 3rd villige was Xhosa.The 4th
villige's name was Basotho. The last villige was ndebele.
It was probably the best day here. On friday we went to the lion park
It was also realy fun but not as fun as Lesedi.Oh and I almost forgot to tell you about this .Right before dinner they had this singing and dancing thing.I twas so cool. I can't wait to wright to you somemore but right now I have to eat dinner.
Wright to you soon
madi graham

1 comment:

  1. Dear Madison, what a dear letter to Sophie! And I so loved reading about your enjoyment of Lesedi. It sounds like a wonderful place to me. I would love to see it! Write some more about what you have seen and done in South Africa...everything, even eating breakfast is interesting to me! I love you sweetheart! Grandma Noodle
