Thursday, September 27, 2007


We finally found a way that music could be heard in the places in our house where we live. Til now the computer, our only connection to our iPods, has been in either the school room or the main bedroom-places where we cannot “partake of the good tunes” as we cook dinner or hang out. So, after spending more money on some kind of doc for the iPods to blast out to us we now have stereo-Thank Heaven for music!

On Sunday I was listening to said stereo and came across a favorite. All at once I found myself in tears, running to snag a pencil and write down the words. Of course, it is a love song. A cover of a John Lennon tune sung by our friend and fab rockstar, Pete Breinholt. The words are so beautiful to me, and right now as I hang on tight to my John and the new world of Africa and the old world of the career he has re-entered, and as I think of my grandparents whom I adore as they face health challenges and the looming separation that is inevitable for us all, these words just hit like the lightening that crashes through the Joburg sky during a thunderstorm.

Really, its about what we do with our relationships that matters. “Dhat’sit”-as the Joburgers say, Dhat’sit

Grow Old Along With Me
-by John Lennon

Grow old along with me
The best is yet to be
When our time has come
We will be as one

God Bless our Love
God Bless our Love

Grow old along with me
Two branches on one tree
Face the setting sun
When the day is done

God Bless our Love
God Bless our Love

Spending our lives together
Man and Wife together
World without end
World without end

Grow old along with me
Whatever fate decrees
We will see it through
For our love is true
God Bless our Love
God Bless our Love


  1. We played that song at our wedding... sung by Mary Chapin Carpenter, though :-)

  2. Is this that's it with a SA accent?
    At first I thought your post read Da Sh*#. Guess I better get my mind out of the gutter.
    That song is a favorite of Katie and mine as well.

  3. Ty! your mind is in the gutter; the south Africans (the black ones) have this great accent, well they have different accents depending on where they are from, but all of them say this phrase, yes, it's "that's it" in a very cool way.

  4. That's pretty! ♥
