Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The latest Adventure

our latest AFrican adventure involves doctors, bed rest and lots and lots of medication. Every person in this household, save Mason, has been slammed with illness this week. It began with John; who for the last two weeks has had a cough due to what we thought were seasonal allergies. As the cough progressed further and further down his chest we became a bit concerned, and finally last weekend we realized this cough was something more than hayfever. John spent our weekend of sightseeing basically curled up in a ball in the back of our minivan. Feverish and coughing, John was not able to enjoy the awesome safari we experienced, nor did he try any of the waterslides or wave pool at Sun City (more on that later). By Sunday he was flat on his back, and we made a trip to the clinic to find he needed an antibiotic. By Monday at noon I was with him in bed-also curled up in a ball with shooting pains in my joints and muscles. My head felt like it would explode with pain at any moment, and I was incapacitated. Flu; that was the bottom line when I made my own appearance at the clinic Monday night. By Tuesday morning all our kids save Mr. Mason had fevers and the rest of the group including my sister Jessica were in a different clinic (one that could handle LARGE groups at one sitting…). Meds all the way around; thank heaven for tamiflu, that is all I can say (oh, and advil with codene…good stuff). By Tuesday night everyone was medicated, even Mason just in case, and John and I feebly attempted to celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary with a dinner out. This was indeed our weakest anniversary ever; as John basically lay across the restaurant table trying to enjoy my company while feeling like he was going to die. The diagnosis for his ailment was obviously incorrect, so Wednesday found him back at the clinic with-you guessed it-more medicine prescribed for his severe respiratory infection. As I write this Wednesday night we’ve had two daughters who never left their beds today (Madi and Bryn) two other daughters who ran around with their hands in the air for mommy to hold them all day (Lu and Molly) and two sons who went between perfectly fine and jumping off the walls to lethargically laying around complaining they weren’t feeling well. Poor Jess has been hit too, and had a nice long afternoon nap. I, who has had the blessing of tamiflu in the nick of time, am doing o.k. and managing pretty well-though I can feel right now that I should be sleeping instead of writing all about our ailments on this little blog…guess I’ll try that codene now, hope we are all better in the morning!


  1. Hi Katie

    Paul Horstmeier here. John told me about your blog and it was great to catch up so quickly. What great memories you guys are creating -- even being sick on your anniversary. Take care.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Paul! Hi, how nice of you to stop by the blog. John said he'd heard from your recently. Sorry to hear about all the travel but using your spanish must be a great twist on the professional front! Nice to hear from you and hope you'll stop by here again!

  4. I am in Boise and was surprised to be told that you all were sick. I left SLC on the night of the 6th and noting came up new on your blogs at all that day...but I get up here on friday the 7th and they have the last 3 posts. I am so concerned about your health, especially John. Have you recovered? Was it Pnumonia for John. Please take care. It is a blessing to travel the world. but not to endanger your health. We love you all and miss you so much! Mom-Grandma Noodle
