Saturday, September 29, 2007

Our Cooper is Broken

I've mentioned on our blog before that we purchased a Cocker Spaniel, Cooper, last spring in honor of our oldest son turning 12. I've told you of my reservations at being a dog owner, and of my lack of ability with animals. I've complained to you that my kids have complained to me when they've been asked to take Cooper on walks, to pick up Cooper's poop, and generally when they've been encouraged to bond with our puppy and do all those things (talk to him, roll around in the grass with him, throw a ball with him and the like) that kids are supposed to love to do with their dog.

When we realized that Cooper couldn't come with us on this adventure we absolutely didn't know what to do with him. He's never caught on to NOT peeing or pooping in our house, so asking someone to care for an untrained dog was kind of out of the question. We thought and prayed about it (yes, I prayed over my dog, or at least I prayed to have help to know what to do with my dog-God loves dogs too I figure and I didn't want to put Cooper in a place or situation that God would be unhappy with, so I prayed about it), and in the end I had no answer. Then, one day at church a complete angel from heaven named Kerri McBride came to me and said, "what can I do to help you get ready to go?". And I replied sarcastically, "you can help me find a place for our dog to live...". And she said in heavenly angelic tones "I'll take him. I've been hoping for a companion for our dog, but I don't want another dog of my own. This would work out great!". Heaven hears our prayers people, that's all I can say about this.

But, sadly, it appears our Cooper is a broken dog. You see, Kerri and I agreed that we would send her a trainer to help Cooper "finish up" his house training, and learn how to sit and stay and all that good stuff, while we were away in Africa. I paid for the trainer, bid Cooper a tearful farewell (yes, I did indeed cry as I left Kerri's house with Cooper inside and me walking down the road sans leash. As much as this dog has been challenging, I had determined to make him part of our family and felt sad to leave him behind) and boarded the plane for Joburg. Wondering daily how Cooper was doing but having total confidence in Kerri and the trainer I felt happy Cooper had a wonderful home and hopeful he would be a nice edition to the McBride family for a few months.

This has not been the case. Kerri, who IS the Dog Whisperer people, has had to bid us the sad news that our poor dog is appearantly broken. The trainer and Kerri both feel he was perhaps abused by the breeder we purchased him from. At best he was neglected to a point that he has not been able to housebreak. POOR KERRI I say. Her carpets have taken a severe beating, she's given Cooper her utmost attention and effort despite the fact that she has a house, two kids and a dog of her own, not to mention a husband to support as he runs his own successful business(es?). I am aching to make things right for Kerri's carpets, and aching to "fix" our broken dog.

Things kind of came to a head last week when Cooper ran off, probably not out of malice or anger but just playing around and lost his way. He was at one point hit by a car-though not injured badly-and Kerri had to again deliver sad news to our family.

This isn't fair to the guardian angel who came to my rescue at church that Sunday.

What to do for Cooper? If we cannot house train him then he simply cannot be in our (our Kerri's) house. But Cocker Spaniels are social dogs by nature, they want to be with "their family", so to keep him outside all the time is to give him a miserable life and to defeat the purpose of our desire for a dog. Not to mention the fact that Cooper IS our dog, and having committed to being his family it is a harsh reality to face that he cannot perhaps remain a Graham.

What a sad package of events. Kerri, if you come across this post please know how much we adore and applaud your efforts. Please know that in our eyes you are a saving angel of mercy who came at a critical time to help a worried me find a safe place for broken Cooper. Promise I didn't know he was broken. I thought I was the broken one; an incapable owner, not a broken dog. I'm so sorry to leave you with a package of worries all wrapped up in our darling little Dog.


  1. I was sad to hear about Cooper, I can't imagine. I wish you the best in figuring it out, so sad to think it just can't be done. He sure is a sweet face.

  2. P.S. Your blog says you still live in Holladay, do you or is that just a cruel joke?

  3. sob weep waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Poor Coop, don't fly the coop. Please. Pretty, pretty, pretty please! Sob, weep!
