Tuesday, September 11, 2007


OK I admit it, whenever I have to face a huge challenge I generally approach it first by being completely petrified by it. Instead of looking at the challenge, analyzing the way in which I will conquer it and then attacking it, I generally hide under my bed for a day or two and wish it would go away.

Well, homeschool should have started at least a week ago and, well, I'm hiding... while John paruses (did I spell that right)all the lesson plans I am engrossed in Harry Potter's last crusade and planning day trips and weekend outings with great vigor. This is me, feeling very afraid that I will not be able to manage the education of my children and the general rearing of them at the same time. This is me avoiding the fact that I must coordinate 4 different school grades within the course of each school day. This is me thinking, "o.k., how on earth am I to teach pre algebra and spanish when I clearly am not certified in any way to do so?!"

I'm kind of freaking out.

Don't tell my kids this fact. They think I am lazy, and pre-occupied with my book. They think we have seen an awful lot of South Africa already and are starting to complain with each new day of "We have another field trip! yippee!" from mom's enthusiastic mouth. But I don't think they know I"m scared. And I'd like to keep it that way.

Usually in past challenges the time under the bed in hiding is fairly short lived. We did, in fact, sell the house, pack it up, pack the bags and get on the plane to come here. That after a significant hide under the bed (I think I may have still been there on the day the movers actually packed up said bed...). I do usually come around and things generally go o.k.; not perfect mind you. I have no aspirations or expectations of perfection. But, with help from friends and unseen angels I usually come off o.k. I'm counting on that being the case this time around. As soon as I see Harry Potter through his last great adventure I know I'll be ready to face the homeschool challenge. Somewhere in the cosmic scheme of things this Katie Graham as headmaster of "the Blue Rhino Private School established 2007" experiment won't completely ruin my kids' chances of going to college, right? (the kids actually named our little school, with a coat of arms and school colors to boot)Or maybe it will. gotta go roll under the bed now, too bad this one's a little lower to the ground. With the lack of exercise and my stiffening old body it's becoming increasingly more difficult to hide under there...


  1. I know the feeling of wanting to hide under the bed... Last year mine was "hiding" on top of the bed and napping nearly every day while Nicholas was napping and the kids were at school so I could escape the world of PTA for a couple of hours each day!!
    Yes, it sounds daunting to home school all your kids -- but you are going to do a remarkable job! And they can wait a couple more days to start school -- For now, ENJOY Harry Potter!!

  2. Slide over and make room for me.

  3. You are your mother's daughter...or all of us this way...probably. Yes, enjoy Harry Potter, his challenges are not as daunting as yours...but know that we all have faith in you and we know you can do this..if anyone can you can! I, in a way envy you this very close relationship with your children. Your little family is interdependent on each other in a way they will never again be. I hope, after the fear and trembling subside you will wake up with joy and rejoicing and love learning right along with each of the kids. I am serious...you are going to have a lot of fun even with pre-algebra! Love Mom

  4. Yes don't you love the comments from the males they are classic, I can't do anything until I finish this great Harry Potter book. tyler is getting tired of not getting any attention. Katie once you get started teaching I know you will enjoy it. That is your thing.

  5. You better hurry up and get started while Jess is still there to be of some help! You'll be fine! I have the same problem, getting started is the hardest part, but it will be easier then you think I am sure.

  6. homeschooling for a few months is absolutely do-able...especially if you're a Katie Graham! I HS'd B&B for our last 9 months in VT, and we did lots of field trips, reading, and learning on the internet. The internet is a WEALTH of information for this...there are free worksheets, online programs, yahoo HS groups...just endless resources out there. But no matter what, in the amount of time you have there, if they did nothing more than just learn about the area and experience different cultures, they'll have an invaluable educational experience. After all, before you know it they'll be back in school in texas. Have fun whilst it lasts! ~J ♥

  7. I'm just like you, when I get my hands on a great book like Harry Potter, I WILL NOT put it down. I'd say put off school till you're done, but you can do whatever.

    Hope you are enyoying Africa!
    ♥ Bonnie ♥
