Friday, September 28, 2007

A Place for Peace

We recently toured the grounds of the Johannesburg Temple for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (for more info. go to What a peaceful setting, on a hillside in Joburg overlooking the rolling hills of this busy city. The grounds are calm and beautiful, with a lovely garden, a stream running through and other church buildings as well. It felt so nice to be there that we lingered too long, missing another stop we were going to make that day. Oh well, there is time for the world anytime, I'm glad we could leave the world behind for a while and walk through a little piece of Heaven.

The LDS faith holds to the belief that life continues after death, and that we can enjoy our family relationships in that afterlife, if we are willing to commit ourselves in keeping God's commandments, accepting Christ as our Savior, and following His example in how we live our lives. It is a faith of peace, a faith that promotes family relationships, a faith that solicites peace and encourages thoughtful living. It is a faith that encourages good will and good works, one that asks its followers to put Christ at the center of their lives and to put others ahead of themselves. Regardless of one's notions on this church, one cannot deny the goodness it strives to bring into this world.

Temples are a part of that goodness. They encourage reverence and complete devotion to God. The covenants made within them are of an eternal nature. They require strict obedience in keeping the commandments of God. They invite those who enter to leave the loud clammering voices of the world behind and to feel peace and reverence and hope.

What a gift it is to live in a city where such a structure exists. What a joy to invite my children to walk the grounds and step onto Heaven's doorstep for just a little while.


  1. I live near one of your temples here in the US; it is always such a beautiful sight to see.

    What fun to be able to live in South Africa! How long are you there for?

    And, as you probably know, it's best to keep expectations low for places like museums - an hour max, if you want to leave without a scene. If I don't expect too much, I can still enjoy what we did manage to see.

  2. We are living in SA until February and enjoying the excitement of new cultures/countries very much. Thanks for stopping by the blog and, which temple do you live near?

  3. Always great to be reminded. Thanks Kate.
