Friday, September 21, 2007

Too Many of These

So, pretty much since the moment we began our move from Salt Lake I've been disregarding my personal health and diet. With very little time for exercise back in Salt Lake and even less opportunity here (safety is a huge issue, so running with John is pretty much our only option; and well, I haven't been taking it...) any muscle I had is now a thing of the distant past. As far as eating goes-check out the pic.- I've had way too many "sweets" here, from South African licorice (kind of like Swedish black licorice but a bit sweeter, I like all that sugar!)to chocolate made in Cape Town (SO WAY YUMMY) to donuts at the grocery store; if it looks good, I've eaten it.

Well, I knew that I was getting softer around the middle, and I am an intelligent person who has been in reasonably good shape at times, so I also understand that poor eating habits + no exercise + bad sleep patterns = fat bodies. And, well, I'm starting to have one. Just yesterday I was looking at myself in a swim suit, and there are some serious rolls in my not so serious mid section. And my back and well, backside, are like mashed potatoes with skin over them; gross.

So, Now that I've dug myself into this mess I guess I better dig myself out. I'm resolved to make a change, or otherwise when I get off the plane back in the states next February no one will recognize me.

It's time to bring the fat Katie back.

The fat Katie is the girl I see in the mirror every time I go shopping for clothes. She has, in very fact, sometimes chased me as I've gone running with my buddies in the early morning. Every once in a while she stands over my bed at 5:15 a.m. when my alarm goes off to remind me to get up and move my buns to a spin class or out on a run. She is a real person; the persona of my past, and she haunts me always. But sometimes I put her away. I stuff her in some closet in the back of my head and she waits there while I eat eclairs from the Cape Town Farmer's market and tell myself that she won't catch me for a while yet. When I'm eating the yummy lavender chocolate I remind myself that she hasn't been me for a long long time, so I have no need for restraint as I snarf down the bar.

Well, time to open the closet door and let her make her entrance. She reminds me of the metabolism I was born with, and that it will catch up to me if I choose to let my guard down. She's been in that closet far too long. Time for the fat girl to chase me through my work outs again.

Monday is the day, I'm working out the plan. Thanks to my sister Jessica I even have an outside motivation (I'll share that with you later). The only thing left before I execute is an event to work toward; that is my most effective tool besides huge rewards...any ideas? Next summer is too late from now, and I can't really train as a triathlete until after we've moved into our next house. Running and some very basic weight training (big water bottles filled with water or sand)are my only equipment. What I wouldn't do for my road bike!!! Boise girls, you've got to put in some miles for me, I miss my pedals and my helmet so bad I can smell them in my dreams. I long to ride the farm roads with you and somehow work up to make it to Emmett and back (I couldn't even make it to Eagle road with the shape I'm in right now:(

so, find me a race, preferably one that is run in, like, early April. Probably better take place in Dallas. I bet my most faithful reader, John, will be able to find me a race to work for...maybe the fat Katie knows of one, I'll ask her when I open up the closet door and let her chase me down.


  1. I want to know more about the outside motivation from Jess!!!!
    Katie I am so sorry you can't run without John. I have been really slacking on my exercise routine too and with no good excuse. I also need to get motivated to get going and have a good exercise routine. GOOD LUCK! I bet you still look great!

  2. Your not alone in this - I was right there with you eating all that good stuff. We can do it though, I am also curious of the motivation from me? What did I do?

  3. Hey Katie- Now you are making me feel guilty for not taking full advantadge of how easy it is to exercise here! I'd better get my behind out of bed. I don't know that I have seen many races in Texas in about Robie Creek in Boise? It's always the second week in April...we'd love to have you!

  4. wow. and i thought I had workout issues. we all know you could out run any of us on a bad day! I didn't get to consume the eclairs or chocolate and my jeans still don't fit - you'll rock the work out.

  5. I've never met Fat Katie. The only Katie I've even known is String Bean Katie. And baby fat from when you were 3 months old doesn't even count.

  6. At least FAT katie is something from your past! My desk job along with not changing my habits to counter the effect of a desk job, have made fat jenny the present and skinny jenny the past. It seems it would be easier to run FROM the fat version , then to run TO the skinny version! frustrating! :(

  7. I haven't found a tri for you yet, but it looks like there are lots of tris for the kids next spring, which could be fun. There's also a great tri training team in Coppell that would be great for you.

  8. i suggest ending up in the hospital for a week on an IV without the option of swallowing so much as an ice chip! worked for me this past 2 weeks! (i don't actually recommend this. seriously, it wasn't fun. to say nothing of the fact that i was across the country, by myself, when i ended up needing emergency surgery. but it DID trim a fast 10 pounds off me.)

    i second the comment by have always had the body type most women can't even fantasize about, let alone achieve. i didn't doubt you had a lot of good habits and self-discipline, but genetics had to play a role in there too. you've always been darling. ♥
