Our little niece, Ruby, is fighting a serious infection and has been admitted to the hospital while we've been here. She and her older sister, Ella, both came down with ecoli, and Ruby's body is not yet through the fight. We are concerned for her and hopeful that, as her mom Amanda has said, the faith and prayers of those who love her will continue to be heard and felt. This little Ruby is truly the gem she is named for. Happy and content, enthusiastic and meek. I believe she is a strong spirit, and that she has a work to do; so my hope is real that her recovery will be full.
That doesn't make the fight any easier. I think my sister is a rock of strength right now. She sent an email to family and friends explaining the situation and giving a brief synopsis of health issues Ruby may face as she works to recover (these include possible blood transfusions and kidney dialisys, this is not light hearted medicine friends). As she described the hard, uncertain road ahead she just kept saying, "thanks for your prayers" and "we feel the Lord is with her". To express gratitude and aknowledge God in hard times shows intense strength of character and deep testimony. I feel blessed to be her sister. She expressed in her email that she wished she could hug those who live far away, and that it would be a strength to her. Mandy, I'll hug my babies in your absence, and pray the comforter will send my hugs to you that you'll feel my love and encouragement though distance separates. It hurts to be far away from you and your family and not feel I can support in the struggle. Helpless, that is the word for it. I feel helpless.
So our thoughts and prayers are definitely in Utah today. Not that they aren't there everyday, but just a little more fervent and a little more frequent today and through these days to come. Get well soon our precious Ruby. Be strong my lovely Mandy. Our love to all the Shirley's-you are gems to us!
Thank you for your strength and loving words of encouragement! I wish I could get a real hug from you, but reading your thoughts is the next best thing. Love you!
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