Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Blue Light Special

I've saved lots of thanksgiving pics to share here but we've run into more computer chaos at our house. The little telcom phone modem we use here receives two signals. The weaker signal is indicated by a green light. When we have the green light checking email takes hours and downloading or uploading pictures is basically impossible. The stronger signal is indicated by a blue light-we call it the blue light special around our place. When you have a blue light you can blog, order Christmas gifts and email your friends and family without growing gray in the process. That is, if the modem lets you stay "on line". One of our other recurring problems is the fact that either our computer or our modem drops our connection on a routine basis, often after only being connected to the internet for a moment or two. Once the connection is dropped, you have to stop what you are doing, reconnect, and then refresh whatever you were working on in hopes you haven't lost information in the process. I've actually remained "connected" for 9 minutes in a row, allowing me to write this little note to you. Hopefully I'll be able to post before my measly green light is dropped and my connection terminated. As soon as the planets align and I can post you'll have lovely pics to see of our kids, Thanksgiving, more silhouette shots, and probably our upcoming trip to Durban. I hope to share the creative Christmas decorating ideas come to fruition and lots of images of friends we've made while here...I'm hoping to share that all with you. We'll just have to see when I get the blue light special!

1 comment:

  1. Please blue light - please come back! I want to see the Grahams, Durban, Decorations! PLEASE!

    Love you!
