Tuesday, November 06, 2007

On Films and Fathers...

As a kid I knew that following every chance to see a movie we would be presented with a profound life lesson, thanks to my dad and his wise ways. Some of the movies with the lessons I remember were: All of the Star Wars trilogy (the old good ones) had deep moral lessons like choosing to do what is right and standing for honor and honoring the power within (the force) and there were some good “follow your leaders” lessons in those movies too. Chariots of Fire taught integrity, and the personal value in standing for one’s beliefs, as well as finding the inner peace that comes from honoring the Sabbath day. Karate kid taught us to learn to stand up for yourself, and in the classic underdog winning out because of an unexpected ally story we saw that we could rise above what people expected us to be and become instead something even better. You see what I mean? Every movie, every time, dad had something to teach us when the credits rolled around. Back then I felt it a bit of a stretch to make everything we did and saw a lesson of some kind (isn’t there anything to be said for pure entertainment?). But last night I realized that in all those years the pattern had been engrained. When it comes to movies and parenting, I think I have become my father.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles provided last night’s cinema experience for our family. Not a heavy hitting morality tale, but a light hearted computer animated ride for the pre-teen and younger crowd that is our family. After the film we sat around a restaurant table waiting for our food to be served and John and I asked the if they’d “gotten anything out of the movie” a nonchalant way of trying to squeeze in a family home evening element to our Monday night outing. As the kids shouted out, “be a team”, and “listen to your leaders” and “if you do something wrong then try to make it right not matter how long it takes” I felt happy they’d been able to see some thing redeeming besides “jump high, kick furiously and burp really loud after eating pizza for breakfast”. We ate our dinner with a pleasant spirit and as we munched I realized how seemingly silly it must be to try and find a lesson in everything; but then again, I am my daddy’s little girl.


  1. I don't remember those lessons as to movies persay - but I do remember him taking every chance he got to teach us. I am glad too, to realize where I got it. I find myself explaining our eternal goals more and more often lately, from the strangest things, too. Glad to have those teaching moments whenever they come.

  2. I'm my parents girl too...♥

  3. What I remeber most about watching movies with Mom and Dad is them pausing the flick to look at a lamp in the background! But I have always appreciated how they both took the time to go beyond the what and teach the why. It took a lot more of their time but it has really impacted my life for the better.

  4. you are so right about the lamps Ty!! And now when we travel I always have to stop in the lamp shops we see, even in Vietnam I did that! Crazy what rubs off from parents to children...
