Sunday, November 04, 2007

Porter the meek

To be meek means to be willing to submit your will to that of another’s. Christ said we should be like little children in that we should be willing to submit to the will of God, like children submit to the will of their parents.

I’ve been a parent now for 12 years and 6 months, and I’ve seen my children, at times, be meek. Sometimes they have decidedly NOT been meek, but I want to tell of a day last week when our young son Porter definitely was.

We’ve found an orphanage here in town, and had a chance to visit there on Thursday to play with the children and give some hours of service. I had chosen to take Mason, Brynley and Madi with me but I knew the circumstances would not be such that Porter would be old enough to go. I had to leave him home with our friend Evie to “babysit” the little girls and keep an eye on things.

Porter loves to be “BIG”, and reveres his older brother like a hero. He wants to be with the big kids, and to do what the big kids do, so I knew Porter would be disappointed if he was left behind. But for his own good it had to be, and I pulled him aside Thursday morning to tell him so.

“Porter, I’m going to take the oldest kids with me to the orphanage today, so they can have a turn helping the babies.” Said I.

“Really mom? Do they have to go?” Porter asked.
“It is good for them to help the babies, Porter. And I need you to stay here and take care of your sisters.”
“o.k. mom, if you need me to” This was his response, to my surprise.
“I love you mom, I’ll miss you…” he said as he ran away from me.

A moment later he ran back to my side, a look of concern on his face.

“Mom, will you go there in Heavenly Father’s tummy?” Porter asked
“what do you mean, ‘in his tummy’ sweetheart?”
“I mean, will He carry you there, so you can get there fast?”
“well, He’ll watch over us and bring us home to you as soon as we can, so I guess He’ll carry us there in a way” Trying to console his growing concern.
“Trust will drive us there sweet heart”
“Trust can drive to Lucy’s orphanage from here?” Porter’s next thoughtful question; this is when the understanding dawned on me…
“Porter, do you think we are going back to Lucy’s orphanage today?” I asked…
“Aren’t you?” he replied.

Lots of hugging ensued, me hugging Porter and feeling such tender feelings of love for this little boy who, upon my request alone, was willing to take care of his sisters while I took his best friends and his solid hero far far away to help some babies-a trip that took us 5 weeks last year to complete when we went to Lucy’s orphanage to bring her home. On my command he submitted his will, letting me go to help little children while he stayed behind, alone, for an indefinite length of time. All because I said so.

This is meekness. This is Porter.


  1. I think that is the sweetest thing I have ever read. Ever! Big hug to sweet Porter.

  2. and you wonder why you are there? how lucky to understand the true blessings of family at their ages, especially Porter. Oh I miss him!
