Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Morning

We have other pictures to share, but in a nutshell:

*Mason woke the kids at 5 a.m. (he'd been waiting since 4:30 but just couldn't hold out any longer)
*We opened the "first gift of Christmas" our baby Jesus piece of the African nativity set.
*All enjoyed a lovely morning of gold, frankenscence and myrrh (gifts representing those the wisemen brought the baby Jesus).
*John (and his elves) graced me with amazing computer gear; look for the blog to take on a new look as soon as my personal tutor shows me how to operate my new stuff :)
*Santa brought the kids a Wii which will have to be trucked across the ocean to wait for 120Volt electricity sockets in order to be Christened. The GPS santa brought is also lacking crucial software so, darn, no geocashing before we leave Africa (sigh...)
*Grandma and Grandpa along with mom and dad were back in bed by 8 a.m.
*the highlight of the morning was Dean's trip to the garage to fetch his gift from our family; a Zulu cantine (African artifact). You'll have to ask my dad why this was the highlight :)

Merry Christmas morning!


  1. how was the safari for mom and dad?

  2. So glad to see these posts!!! So happy you had an exciting morning!

  3. Grahams- I think you call what I am doing in the world of stalking. I came across your blog, well I don't know exactly how, but what a fun suprise. It seems like yesterday that you two had just gotten married and moved in across the street in Velmas apartment...wasn't Mason just born? Oh how the time goes. Just a quick hello from a blast from the past. What an incredible life you two are living. You both have a special place in my heart! Sincerely, Meggan Felt (Gonzalez)

  4. I've never seen Bill laugh so hard. That made hefting that thing through three airports and all the looks and questions worth it.

  5. Looks like you guys are having a great time in South Africa. And the lessons you are teaching your kids will last a life time. Hope you had a great Christmas and enjoyed your mom and dad. We were so excited for them to go on this trip.

  6. It was a great Christmas! So glad we got to go back to bed for a good nap before the rest of the day's activities! I loved having the missionaries come for dinner Christmas Eve. I was so happy Santa remembered you little crew way over in Africa, sorry the Wii would not work there. Deans gift was not only beautiful but hilarious. Picturing him hand carrying it all the way back to Utah makes me laugh so hard! But it is a neat gift! Loved going to the orphanage again on Christmas Day and just being with the Graham grandkids. We should spend one full Christmas with each family like this, it was special, (But, please, the rest of you stay not even think of moving far away from SLC, Tyler in CA and Katie in Dallas will be enough!) Again, Dad and I loved the Christmas gift of the stay at the game lodge! Thank you all our children and grandchildren for that great memory! And thanks to everyone of you for helping in some way to get Dad and I to Africa! We love you all, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, MOM and Dad/ Grandma and Grandpa
