Monday, December 17, 2007

flags are flying

Thanks to the generous help of my friend Jan Basset, and the kind gift of Victoria White,our home is filled with Christmas flags. John has made some comments about Santa's used car lot, but I've skillfully ignored them (after giving him a significant punch in the arm) and have gone gleefully about stringing these flags throughout the house.

I look forward to many years of Christmas flags, and as I string them in future Yules I will think of the many friends who made a gift of them to me...

1 comment:

  1. The flags look really cute! So glad the box finally got to you. I am sad you did not have time to sew up the fabric my Mom sent to you. (We really did mail that box the first of November!) I was impressed that she had gone to the fabric store to find the material just for you. Maybe next year in you new house in Dallas you can add more flags from Grandma Read.
