Monday, December 03, 2007

Friday in Durban

Ushaka Sea World on a Cloudy day. The man in the fish tank who was feeding the mammoth sting rays thought Lucy so adorable that he came over to the huge display window and clanked and knocked for her, as if she were the fish and he the googling spectator. Malasia the Sea World biologist thought our family so novel that she gave us a private tour, explaining the intricacies of marine ecosystems and helping the girls feel a little better about leaving the shells on the beach for those poor little hermit crabs who need a place to call home...

The clouds made swimming in the ocean not so appealing. We gave the hotel pool a go instead. FREEZING. I win mother of the day because I got in that water with my children.

We win parents of the year for take-out pizza in the hotel room and a double dose of cartoon network on the hotel TV. Like a shot of something illegal, our kids are addicted to cable cartoons...John and I surfed the internet for homes in Dallas while our kids silently drank in some show about a child genius who has an accent and lots of ugly red hair. I've never understood cartoons...

a lovely day spent on the coast of Africa.


  1. Awesome! That all sounds so fun, except for the icy water and Jimmy Neutron. I've always thought it was a dumb show. No offense, JN lovers!


  2. Great memories for you and the kiddos, enjoy!

  3. what an amazing aquarium! nice to see John behind the wheel of the family van, very fitting.
