Monday, December 03, 2007


We got away from the classroom for a little "hands on" learning this last week,visiting the Maropeng center in the Cradle of Humankind. The "cradle" is so named because it is the place where "humanity can be traced back to its beginnings". Human remains have been found there which support the theory of the evolution of man, and it is quite interesting to see the scientific research that has been done to prove this theory. I found it enlightening to talk with my kids about the idea of evolution, and I truly feel there is great truth to it in animal species. I can't say that I believe I evolved from a monkey-so I think human evolution is a big jump for me, but that is a different blog post entirely.

Some of the most profound information presented at this museum is the abilities of man in comparison to other species. The ability to communicate, to walk on two legs and to express feelings/creativity are truly the distinguishing differences between us and the rest of the animal kingdom. The last section of the museum poses a lot of questions to the visitor such as "just because we can talk, does this mean we communicate?" The statements were helpful in promoting a thought process that could lead us, as visitors, to think of how well we are using these abilities we've been given as men and women. The final thoughts left by the museum have to do with how we are using our abilities to improve or destroy the planet we live on. I was truly brought to consider the impact that I, one person, makes to the environment, and to think of how my actions really do effect the use of the world's resources. I have always thought of myself as being thoughtful when it comes to the environment, but I guess in the end what I've really thought of is how savvy a consumer I am (of course I'll turn the lights off, I don't want to pay for unnecessary electricity!). In reality it is useful to think of how my choices actually affect others, and their ability to enjoy some of what this world has to offer. It made an impact, and I hope with a few pointers from my "green" sister Jessa, I can become better in my own way of safeguarding the resources we've been blessed with.


  1. did you know that if every household in the US replaced just one 25 oz. bottle of petroleum based dishwashing liquid with a vegetable based liquid it would save 81,000 barrels of oil per year. that is enough energy to heat or cool 4,600 homes for an entire year. make you wonder what other product are petroleum based with out us realizing it.

  2. Love you Katie! What an awesome outing! I really am no expert, but I certain do feel passionate about it.

    Miss you guys!
