Monday, February 04, 2008

An Evening of Goodbyes

Our Friends Jan and Damen Basset had a little gathering in their home on Sunday evening so we could say good bye to church friends. It was nice to gather with others and to remember that being here, while challenging at times, has been rewarding. Jan has been a sister to me in every sense of the word, caring for our family, lending us her washing machine, showing me where the locals shop and being a listening ear. Truly her friendship and the friendships our kids have with her children are the best things we are bringing home from Africa.


  1. you said it! the Bassetts are people i will NEVER FORGET. and you people who are reading this comment have better belive it!

  2. Oh, I believe it!

  3. ME TOO! So Passionatly said Madi :)
    Katie- HIP HAIR!!
