Saturday, February 16, 2008

None of the Above




So, we haven't been blogging since we left Africa, but we sure have been busy. We hit the ground running last Wednesday night, finding out upon our arrival that two of our bags were left behind by some airline crewman. One of said bags contained ALL of our children's warm clothing. The next 48 hours brought lots of shopping so our kids wouldn't be living at Grandma's house-in the middle of a snowy winter-in their shorts and flip flops....

Then it was off to Texas for me, meeting John at the airport in Dallas (he left us in Salt Lake about 12 hours after we arrived to attend a manager's meeting in Pheonix). From the airport we retrieved our automobiles, hello sweet huge suburban! Then we met our realtor and began the hunt for our Dallas house....

we drove straight to the homes I shared with y'all (Dallas speak), and found that they really weren't the dream houses we had hoped. The house chosen most popular by my blog readers was the least bad option, but none were just right. This caused a fair amount of stress, mostly for our real estate agent, who then had to provide us with other options and lots of new information on where to live and what to look for. After a Sunday full of church going-in different parts of Dallas (it was SO GREAT to return to our old church congregation, we miss that ward family!) we felt we'd narrowed down our area search pretty well between Colleyville and Flower Mound Texas (Flower mound was where all the homes were that I previewed for you earlier).

One drive to Colleyville with our realtor on Monday ruled out that town (too tired, to grey) and we were back to scoping out Flower Mound. We walked into this house in the morning and after 15 minutes john and I both felt we'd found our home. "It feels like home to me" said John, and I must admit-though it lacks wainscoating, white kitchen cupboards and general color-it feels like home to me too.

So,what do you think? Can we make it ours? With horses out behind our property and a short walk to school, we hope the logistics of the home will suit us well. The kids' first words were "there are no trees" which also disapoints us, for sure. But, I have to believe our future eagle scout might be able to find a great eagle project in moving trees from the path of the developers who are knocking them down left and right and recycling them to new places out in our back yard; what do you think Mason? A good project for your eagle? Let's hope.

Let me know what you think. This house and how our furniture will fit inside it is about all I've been able to think about since Monday afternoon. A few months and some paint, not to mention a lovely little budget for minor upgrades (like a counter depth fridge) should make it seem more like "me" or, perhaps I should say, more like "us".

no, really it is more appropriate to say more like "me".

The house will still only be a house until we've had some of you in it. Friends and family are what make our houses homes. So do please visit. A great guest room awaits, with your own private bathroom including a shower-we'd love to have you soon!
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  1. Katie,
    I love the house! ITs so beautiful, glad you were able to find a home that you will feel like home in!

    Molly Young

  2. I love moving, just not from neighborhoods. Well, mainly I just like decorating my new room every time.
    Glad you could find a place that suits you. That can be hard to find.

  3. WE Would LOve to be the first to Visit!!! I Like the home can't wait to see how you make it the Graham HOME!

  4. I'm glad that you found something. I hope you enjoy Flower Mound. We sure did (that was 8 years ago, but I'm sure it's still great. which ward are you in?

  5. Katie-
    I'm sure you will have any house looking like home in no time!!
    Can't wait to visit!

  6. Flower Mound 5th.

  7. already pressing my husband to let us visit too! our fingers are crossed that we will see you in April! miss you already!
