Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Anatomy of a date night

One competent babysitter. One very long walk (to the movies and shops just outside our neighborhood along the no-sidewalk farm road), a yummy sandwich for dinner and a fun movie. Long conversations as I hold hands with my sweetheart and walk home to our children and straightened up house (remember; competent babysitter...)
All this is the anatomy of a great date. Have one sometime soon with the person you love most!


  1. we saw y'all walking on waketon. great idea! next time want to double? let's play!

  2. What movie did you guys go see?

  3. I think we will be giving up dates with this project. big sigh. glad you're having fun!

  4. we saw "leatherheads" and it was cute. Mandy, don't give up! there are lots of free things to do at REI and you can always get a sitter and go work on the house together-that would be a date too!

  5. Katie, nice texas tan you've got there!

  6. Looks like fun. We are attempting a date night tonight. It's Brian's b-day, and it's been a long time since we've gone to a movie. Is the cost of a ticket still $4.50? Just kidding, but it sure feels like it's been that long.
