Monday, April 07, 2008

April Conference in Photos

Brunch. Spiritual feasting in front of the television. Yummy treats for those who are "reverent". Conference sweet rolls, made hours too late but enjoyed just the same.
Thank you President Monson, for showing us your tender love for Francis, and for sharing with us your sweet love and devotion to our Savior, Jesus Christ.

It was a special experience to see my son stand with those of the aaronic priesthood to sustain a prophet. And cute to see Molly and Lucy stand on the couch to raise their hands too.

Like a stone cut out of the mountain without hands, the truth rolls forward-even without President Hinkley sitting in his usual chair. We miss you and love you President Hinkley; I'm sure you were pleased to witness the proceedings with Marjarie by your side.

Thank you endlessly, Elder Ballard. I feel so grateful that often my husband is doing the things you suggested, he is a prince and a gentleman. I appreciated your council and feel humbly grateful to serve as a mother in these times, with these souls as my charge.