Tuesday, April 01, 2008

One hour in...

They say it has to look worse before it can look better....

The pic at the top is the actual room one hour ago. Next, we see the room as of about 5 minutes ago-doesn't look like much progress, but lots of papers have either been sent to recycling or filed into the great IKEA file cabinet/printer stand that John stayed up late assembling with me (o.k.; for me) on Sunday night.

And Goofy needed a frame. Broke the glass while putting Goofy in the frame, it wasted a piece of glass and about 15 minutes to get him there; but I drew him with my son, Mason, last April at Disneyland and I did a pretty good job, even though I'm not a Disney freak. Mason was proud of me, and that means a lot coming from a budding artist like him! Thought the drawing could remind me that there is some creative talent in me somewhere-just have to reach down past the worried mom genes to find it.

All this while Molly watched the giant screen of public television land pass through her mind...I'm such a great mom some days ;)

Oh, and I also called the speech teacher at the elementary and searched for the weed killer guy's phone number (promise I'll get that done today John!) And put Lucy down for her nap and changed her dirty "bapper" as she calls it.

see you in an hour!

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