Friday, May 02, 2008

Birthday Blowout Weekend

Mason's day is today! We officially have a "teenager" for a son. The weekend of celebration kicked off with painted windows, treats on the seat of the car when Mason was picked up from school and a "late night" with the guys complete with a new video game and pizza (which magically stretched somewhat like the loaves and fishes, thank heaven!). Tomorrow we have a few other festivities planned, including hot dogs on the grill followed by a movie with some friends (Ironman), cake and gifts.

Planning all this fun has been a nice preoccupation for mom, who has been secretly sick to her stomach all week over the teenager milestone. It isn't so much that I am beginning to feel "old" (I think I'll feel 33 for the rest of my life. What a great age to feel, don't you think?), it is the fact that - probably - sometime in the near future my son won't like me so much any more. It happens to the best of moms and it happens in the best of sons. He might wake up one day and decide I"m not the best person to talk to, or he might holler at me when I ask him to help me around the house (we are already at groaning, hollering is the natural progression of things...), and he might stop wanting me to be around.

So, buried in denial with the party plans to execute, mom pushes forward-trying to become a good "teenager's mom". How that's done I don't know, but hopefully, with a little help from the divine who know and love Mason as much and perhaps more (hard to believe its possible, but I bet its true) than I do I'll grow and progress. But, alas, I digress into deeper things than pizza for boys and birthday night-outs.

Happy Birthday my first born. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!


  1. Happy Birthday Mason! Congrats!

  2. there are also those uncommon types who always like thier parents, and since this kid is uncommonly good I would wager he'll like you around more than you think. Happy Birthday to you too - this was the day you became a mom! that is something to celebrate too.

  3. Happy Birthday Mason, you just happen to share your birthday with my sweetheart Brian. It's kind of funny since I share my birthday with your parent's wedding anniversary. Hope you enjoyed "Ironman" as much as we did!

  4. Man! I forgot Mason's Bday, I am such a bad aunt!

    Happy birthday to Mas, love you buddy!

    Aunt Jess

  5. Check this out
    If he does get moody this may help you tolerate it a bit more and take it a little less personal.
    Love you guys. Proud of you Mason
