Thursday, May 08, 2008

Dear Mom on Thursday


Today I'm off to an hour of Bryn's zoo field trip, followed by a hurried drive to get Mason to his dentist apt., then it will be gymnastics followed closely by piano lessons, with dinner after that and Bryn off to her first paid babysitting job. Whew. How did you do all this???

That is something I love about you mom, you DID do all this. And you are still doing, for Alex. And you do for your grandkids. You show your love by DOING for us all. Memories of all-nighters so I would have the perfect princess Leah wig for Halloween and the best class officer campaign come to mind. You show your love by action. You say you love us too, of course. But over the years I've come to know that every act of service was an expression of your devotion. Maybe I didn't all get it then, I didn't appreciate that each sleepless hour was an "I love you so much" from your heart. But I get it now.

And I'm trying to follow in your footsteps (accept for the all night wig making part; I'm just not able to follow your example down quite so tedious a road...where is that thing anyway?)

Just wanted you to know.
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1 comment:

  1. I had not thought about that halloween costum for so long! I hope we have a photo of you, you were so cute in it. I kept that wig in a box with the Halloween stuff for years. A couple of the neighbor girls barrowed it so it made it to the Dilworth Halloween parade a few times. I lost track of it after. Thanks for remembering those times they were (and are) fun memories for me too!
