Wednesday, May 07, 2008

To my Mom-in Law for Today

Dear Mom,
I will always remember the day you gave me this beautiful nutcracker. He was, you told me, the first nutcracker you ever painted-and you were sharing something special with me, perhaps in hopes that it would "stay in the family" (john and I were an item but he most certainly was not decided) but I think it was, instead, a gesture of generosity and friendship. That is something I love about you Mom, you are GENEROUS. You desire to give to others, and you try hard to see joy in giving what others would like to receive. And you hit it on the head with Mason's birthday! Cold hard cash, what more could a 13 year old really want?

You are willing to give yourself, your means and your talents to others-and it is something I really admire.

Just wanted you to know.

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