Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease...

But it only settled in their mouths-big sores (Lucy is trying her best to show you here, unsuccessfully). Porter and she have been half suffering half forgetting their way through it for 4 or 5 days now. Doctor says their is nothing for it accept popsicles and motrin. We've used both. Very likely Molly will take a turn with it some time in the next few days. Yuck.

And yes, Lucy fevered and cried through the rougher parts of the illness and STILL insisted on wearing the fairy costume, shown here, as she suffered.


  1. argh. kate had that a while back. not fun at all. i feel your pain. peace be unto you. let me know if you need anything!

  2. ugh - that is gong around our neighborhood too. glad you won't be packiing that along when you come! the girls are counting down the days....

  3. Yes, I hope it is over before the long trek to our house. Take care everyone. We love you, get better fast!
