Friday, June 20, 2008

You know you are a with it mom

when you realize your nearly 4 year old has gone missing, after a bath and just before bed. After searching for a naked child in the front yard, back yard and driveway (its happened before) she was found here. Asleep in her bed, wrapped in her towel and cuddled with her blanket.

Looked comfortable. I didn't wake her.

Have a good weekend.


  1. This has to happen at least once to every parent. Must be some sort of club membership ritual.

    Remember the time we had the nieghborhood searching for 3 year old Tyler...missing in his swim suit at dusk one summer saturday night? We were beside ourselves. found him curled up in a ball asleep in the rocker in the back bedroom. His toe head, tan little body and swim suit blended into the yellow tan chair. 10 people had walked past him calling his name!

    Or the time the lights went out and we could not find Jessica (either 3 or 4)? We were all over the neighborhood and had neighbors out looking again. The sweet little old people across the street finally heard us calling her and came out to tell us that she had knocked on their door while the rest of the world was in again summer dusk and all other house lights were off. They had an oil lamp burning. She followed the light, went inside and fell asleep on their couch watching the lamp flame flicker.

    I wish I had movies of those two family events! Glad you got a picture.

  2. silly molly! i wish i could fall asleep as fast as she can!
