Thursday, July 31, 2008






Another wonderful reason to holiday in Utah. Kellie, thanks for being a "blog fan" and making my day (I'm so vain I love to hear that people read this thing). DeAnne, you are a generous and giving sister to me, loving my kids, listening to me talk about blue walls and white cupboards, and cheering me on even though we'd both like to be neighbors again. Julia, yea we got together! It is like a spring breeze to spend time with you; refreshing and rejuvinating! Not to mention that my kids have fun with their friends too (but I'm too busy talking to their friends' moms to remember to take great pics of their fun, sorry kids!) Friends are extended family to me, I can't help but love them and I love to learn from them.
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1 comment:

  1. it was the highlight of my week to see you KatieG! Every time I drive through the parking lot by ShopKo, I think of the random way we crossed paths again on that drizzly day. And I'm so glad you're in my life. Time sure flies. I remember when we met and sweet Mason was a wee babe, and then came darling Brin. For some reason it just really hadn't sunk in back then that life would move on and the babes would grow up and so would we. But here we are...and I'm grateful to be growing up with people like you in my life. It was wonderful to see you and the kiddos. They're all perfect. Thanks for making time to have our little picnic. I'm working right now but when I get a moment I'll sift through the 132 (no exaggeration) shots that Gator snapped when he snagged my camera. Most are fuzzy and/or random, but several are interesting. And they'll remind me of our little lunch together.

    Have a great vaca and drive safe!!!
