Monday, July 07, 2008

Happy Belated...

Dear John,
Happy Birthday, again! I'm hoping today that our quiet celebrations this weekend were communication enough of the central place you have as the rock of our family, and the center of my happiness. As we worshiped yesterday at church and I heard you bear testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ, it felt so good to know that you stand beside Him as the center of my universe. I love you John Graham. New sunglasses and birthday cake don't say that well enough. Trying to keep the house together and the kids on track while you toil and labor for our welfare seems a small effort when it is an expression of my love and support for you.

Thanks for standing next to me. Thanks for putting your arm around me at the bar-b-que and for letting me lean up against you as we stood in the crowd. It was your birthday weekend and yet I felt you were always trying to give the gifts to me.

I look forward to a long drive in the car with you and our kids this weekend. As confined as those long desert hours may be, I can't wait for the moments when your blackberry lacks any reception and we are truly alone-just the 8 of us on the road with the eyes of a loving God watching over us as we bring our family to the comfort and fun of Grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. Sounds a bit like heaven to me right now. The world has crowded into our lives a little more than could ever be to my liking, and I am eager for the seclusion of life on vacation.

So happy to be yours, so thankful you are mine. Happy belated to my love, my rock and my friend. Happy Birthday to my John...



  1. Thanks Katie. What sweet sentiment.

    Did you say, "just the 8 of us"? I wonder if it will seem that blissful when one of the kids shares her half-digested chicken tenders with us somewhere in the middle of New Mexico. :)

  2. You're coming!!!??? I'm flying my trip for this month Wed-Sat this week, but am home after that. Any chance for an in-face'r? I'd love to see you even if we just stop by and say hi for a few minutes.

    I think the best gift you could ever give John, and I'm sure he'd agree, was marrying him. If every man had a Katie Graham for a wife, what a much better world this would be!

    Have a great new year John! Happy Birthday from us!

  3. Happy Birthday from me too!

  4. hope the day was a great one! glad to call you kin!
