Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Daily Melody

As today is the first day that all my school aged children are actually in school (I hope the flu is gone, my own stomach is queezy today but you have to wonder if its the bug itself or just the memory of all the barf I've cleaned up since last Friday...) We are doing lots of chores. Laundry, organizing, straightening etc.

Lucy likes to sing to the hum of the washing machine. Its a great skill, to do your work "with a heart full of song". A great little lesson for the day.

I hope it is good bye flu and hello to routine. I crave normalcy right now, but I see in our lives it is just not to be. So I'll try to sing to the hum of the chaos and do my not normal life's work with a heart that is-trying to be-full of song.


  1. OK, that is way too cute that Lu is singing to the laundry. I love to hear this girl sing, and love how much she enjoys to sing. Love you!

  2. Just the all time best photo and idea of singing to the chaos. Please try to tape her singing some time. What a treasure! Was it just 2 years ago she came into our lives! Priceless
