Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Our Family at Discovery





Spent a day at Discovery Gateway in Downtown Salt Lake while John was in town. We had planned to go jet-skiing on a resovoir near Park City but were rained out, so we found fun indoors instead.

Madi loved being the newscaster, Porter was a great "sports guy". Bryn creatively contrived fun contraptions while Mason directed the news cast. Molly and Lucy ran around from exhibit to exhibit, happy to have interactive toys to play with and other children to smile at. John and I enjoyed watching our children. They are amazing creatures, these kids. Every one of them. Sometimes we have those moments when we look at one another and feel completely satisfied to be the parents of a huge crew of very different and even sometimes challenging souls. What a Discovery it is to be their parents. How great to have the chance to discover new things about them on days like this one.
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1 comment:

  1. thanks for the privilege of watching your beautiful family grow up - sorry i missed your birthday - hope it was great. Love you all. Jann
