Monday, September 22, 2008

30 days to Fitness...

So, I guess it isn't my time and season to train for anything but the daily grind. I once lived a life that included "swim, bike, run, repeat", but it seems now my life includes "homework, after school activities, late night teenager issues, repeat". My fitness level has steadily declined over the last many months, and my physical stamina (and appearance I might add) are worse for the wear.

So, I've got 30 days to jump start a new and healthier attitude for living. Why 30 days? Because about 30 days from now I'll be driving down to San Antonio to race the Ragnar relay with some local team mates. I've never been one to thrive on competition, but I can't say I'm good at seeing my friends kick my corn on morning runs either...

so, here's the plan. I'm up at 4:50-5 a.m. every morning but Saturdays and Sundays. I will run or lift weights from 5-6. Three days each week I'll do something else too. This might be an extra run, a swim at the gym, a bike ride or a yoga class, but it will be something. Two-a-days were a regular part of my life in triathlon training, and its been years since then, so just squeezing in an extra 30-60 minutes for fitness will be a huge challenge 3 times a week, but I can do it for 4 weeks. Just don't expect me to blog about my clean house or my finished craft/home projects. It has taken all my time management skills to just wash two loads of laundry and take my girls out in the jogging stroller for 30 minutes while the big kids are at school today.

I'm a far cry from where I was when I ran across the finish at the Rexburg Rush, but I think in can regain a greater level of fitness and also curb my now out of control sweet tooth during the next 30 days (did you get that last bit? I'm back to my favorite healthy eating plan, wish me luck!)

oh, these little beauties (the shoes and the baby) will be waiting for me at the finish if I reach my eating and exercising goals (the baby will hopefully be there regardless, but the shoes ship back to Denmark if I remain a slothful Katie)


  1. You've got my full support, though I think you look great.

    As added incentive, if you have to ship the shoes back I'm spending the savings on board games and having a game night with the guys to try them out! :)

  2. You know I am up at all hours of the morning... so I can come get you if that would help get you out of bed :) I have a husband again so I am game whenever you are! Happy splashing, pedaling, cement pounding!

  3. you've motivated me in okc! i look forward to the next 30 days and getting my groove back!

  4. wow. good luck! I just admire that you can roll over in bed at 5 am! but I know you can do hard things - you always have. here's to awsome RAGNAR!!!

  5. If there is anyone that can do this it's you KT, no doubt about it!
