Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Our Wednesday night

is spent at the local activity center "Winkids" where Madi swims in a pre-comp class, Porter chops in his karate class, Mason takes a guitar lesson from the most mellow and cool guitar instructor (Mason is sure he is the coolest kid in the place, walking around with the guitar and stopping every once in a while to strum a little "happy birthday to you" to hear the kids say to their moms' "wow mommy, he can play the guitar.")

Ms. Molly gets to "ballet". We hope she learns to stop hanging on the ballet bar so she can actually do the dancing instead of sitting in the corner for not keeping the class rules;)

We didn't get a shot of Bryn, who trains with her gymnastics team during the same activity times. she begins competing in January, and she is currently perfecting her back handspring. That girl can do anything with that strong and flexible body and that even stronger will. Go Bryn go.

Lucy and I follow everyone around and try to get them to do some homework while it isn't their class time. It doesn't work; we usually go home to scurry through homework and plop into bed.

It's a one stop shop for me, so I love Wednesday night. I drop off once, I wait with them and watch them enjoy their own talents. I listen to them talk to me when its not their class time and I am away from the dishes and the house that calls me from their attention to rooms and need cleaning and computers that beckon.

Wednesdays are happy for all of us.


  1. that picture of Molly is so darling. and Mason does look cool. wish we could pggy back on this one stop shop with you. enjoy your day!

  2. This is SO COOL! What a great idea! Hey, and tell Mas that I am learning how to play guitar as well, maybe we could play a little something together next time I see him! Love to you all!

  3. what a cool place! is there anything like that round here that you know of?

    someone who heard bunch sing recently approached us about her auditioning for the SL Children's Chorus. auditions were over a month ago, but they spoke with the director about her, and he invited her to come for an audition yesterday. she did very well, so as of now she's the newest member of the group. so that's our wednesday evening now. i just need to find something for gator to do to build confidence, develop a skill and enjoy himself. hmm.

  4. I hope there is something like that around here. How cool to take your kids to a place that has a class for all their different interests, and all these classes are on the same night no less! Definitely an awesome example of one stop shopping! That is pretty amazing!

  5. Katie - Ahh, makes me reminisce about driving all over everywhere with my girls - not so very long ago! I miss it more than I ever thought I would!!

    Do you have an e mail address? I need to get with you about our linger longer! (Sorry I wasn't able to help with putting meals together - I've been sick and didn't want to spread the love!)

  6. What an awesome place!!! We need to get one of those here! Tell Mason he looks like a young Jack Johnson! :)
