Tuesday, September 02, 2008

This minute

My baby girls are in the loving care of their pre-school teachers. I let them go this morning, for the first time, to school.

Molly was in too much of a hurry for a picture by her classroom door ("just let me GO mom!"). Lucy was too upset for a picture in front of hers (not to worry, I hid outside the door to be sure she was o.k., 1 minute of tears and then off to play with play-dough-we never have play dough, so I knew she'd be o.k.).

I'm crying and laughing all at once.

No, I'm not going off for a spa treatment, nor am I sitting down to write my book. Those will have to wait. One of the other kids has a dentist appointment, and then I have backed up errands because of my sudden illness last week (the flu hit me on Friday, yuck).

The girls won't go to school every day. Probably once a week for Lucy, and Molly 3 or 4 days. But the option is open. An option for me to volunteer in the older kids' classes. An option to go to the temple. An option to get groceries without an entourage. I like those options. Those options are good.

so here's to my babies' first day of school. These moments won't last forever.


  1. I am so excited for you to have some time to yourself!

  2. isn't it weird to not be paying a sitter to have a personal moment?

    just wait a couple more years...when you'll have almost 8 hours a day to yourself! it's strange and heady. it's almost harder to be productive with such a regular chunk of time.

    pardon me while i try to go be productive now...

  3. wow -you got me day dreaming!
