Monday, September 08, 2008

You Guessed it!

The special day was our anniversary. On September 4, 1993 John Graham became my eternal partner in crime. He is my rock, my love, my friend, my perpetual example and my parenting companion. Ms. Nie and Mr. Nielson earned $40 because of your good guesses.

Macy, "Lucy Day" was just a couple of weeks ago, that was a great guess. And Desi, it was fun you thought of our first date. The first time I laid eyes on John was the end of August-we were both at a college dance at the Snowbird ski resort. I was taking tickets, and he handed me his. When looked into his face it was like looking at a friend I hadn't seen in ages. Took a while to get the two of us together, but it happened. We have always belonged together.

We were just at Snowbird during the summer holiday-and the big tent we met in was up and full of wedding preparations. John swept me into the tent and danced with me (something we did not do the night we first met). It was sweetly romantic to stand with him 15 years later, more in love and more infatuated with him than I was so many years before.

Grow old along with me
two branches on one tree
see the setting sun
when the day is done

God bless our love
God bless our love

John took the day off to celebrate the 15th year of our marriage. We dropped our littlest girls at preschool and had 3 1/2 hours in the middle of the day to play -alone- together. We drove a new car (John is shopping, purchase to be made at a later date). We ate lunch. We wandered through a gourmet grocery looking for treats to deliver to grieving friends, we held hands, we kissed and whispered sweet nothings.

It was heaven for just a few hours.

Then we picked up the girls. We dropped off the dog for a haircut. We picked up the big kids and delivered them to piano. We picked up Mason and dropped him at piano. We delivered the treats to the grieving friends, we picked up the dog, we delivered me to a church activity and John managed the bedtime/homework/dinner routine while I made frozen dinners with 30 of my favorite neighbors.

It was a different kind of heaven, and just as nice in a different kind of way.
Happy Anniversary John. I love you more now than then, who knew it was possible?


  1. I think I am starting to know what you mean for myself. What great examples you both have been to me of what holy matrimony should be like. Love to you both!

  2. Makes me want to take every day off. 15 years has only improved the wine in these old bottles.

  3. Happy Anniversary! (I didn't guess that because I thought it was too obvious... surely it's a trick question!) Anyway, congrats on 15 years - glad you were able to squeeze in a little time together!

  4. Congratulations! I commented on your previous post, be sure to check it out.

  5. Happy Days! Sure love you both!
