Tuesday, October 14, 2008

All in the same minute

My little daughters rummage through the paint basket in the laundry room to find paint smocks
I try hard to be a great mom/neighbor in making pumpkin chocolate chip cookies (this venture began before this minute began, who'd have known the ensuing chaos would be so overwhelming?)
Madi paces the house looking for something to do (she ended up mentoring Porter, bless her!)
Brynley works on homework, causing me to glide from kitchen to library to help her with her math (she is so smart, she rarely needs any help, who knew it would be in this minute?!)
Porter creates a paper pumpkin to complete his class project, paint out on the patio-with little girls prancing around begging for a brush!

Couldn't even post the picture of Mason checking his teacher's websites, or me, with my hair standing on end and my shirt all untucked, racing from child to child and wondering how in the world the chaos became so out of control in the course of one tiny minute of my mothering life.


  1. huh, this minute looks like every minute of my current life! thanks for helping my snaity just a little.

  2. How things can snowball in just one minute! While making cookies today I was also giving 3 boys a snack of scooby doo RED applesauce. In a fraction of a second, as mixer was going and I was making the rounds at the table taking the foil lids off the applesauce, Alex decided he could do it himself and wham...RED applesauce all over wall,woodwork,buffet, floor and my beloved woven rug! I spent the next hour scraping and scrubbing and blotting while the half mixed cookie dough sat in the mixer!
    The rug will never be the same.
    And I think I mis-counted the cups of flour when I got back to the cookies.

  3. Hi Katie,

    Yes, it is remarkable what can happen in 60 seconds. Sometimes what happens makes me laugh. Sometimes it makes me want to cry. If only someone could follow us around and clean up our messes!:)

    I am finally taking a step into the 21st century by starting my own blog drewandseleste blogspot. Any advice? I am pretty clueless! I am really excited to get it going.

    Take care! You are an amazing/inspiring wife, mother and friend.

