Monday, October 06, 2008

Another Reason for Happy; Date night with my Big girls

Saturday night found us girls out on the town while Mason and John were enjoying spiritual enlightenment here. When I was living near my sisters, the night before general conference was "girls night out" as the menfolk headed to a special session of spiritual feasting catered just to them (we women get our own special sessions, respectively the week before each general conference weekend). Girls night usually included food, sometimes service, always "bonding" and did I mention the food? While we are no longer living near family I had to make a girls night of my own; thank goodness I have a couple of girls old enough to enjoy it with me!

We began our evening in glutinous eating at the Cheesecake Factory, and continued on with a Halloween costume hunt. The food was (expensive and) delicious. It was fun to have good conversation with these two fantastic souls that are my children. They are so unique from each other and yet so compatible when they desire it. My heart sings with gladness that they have each other as friends and compadres through this mortal life. Both do well in school (though with very different learning and study styles, another interesting thing about them) and so it was nice to celebrate good grades as we ate like pigs (have you seen the portion sizes at that restaurant? Ridiculous!) and giggled together.

The local fabric/craft store and Target provided all the "fill in" things we needed for the girls' very creative Halloween costumes. Both girls are using almost all things we have on hand, with just a few embellishments here and there-I'm so proud of their creativity and their willing frugality! We headed home, arms loaded down with our Halloween fare (decorations were half off; we have a new thing or two to add to our happy Halloween house decor).

We were lacking on our service, so tonight we'll begin our "friendly phantom" tradition-more about that later. For now I'm just so happy for female companions who share my blood (and my cheesecake) on the Saturday night before conference.


  1. Hi katie,
    I stumbled upon your site from Nienie's site. I was browsing your posts and saw that your bought a home in Flower Mound. Crazy as it sounds, I lived in FM for more than 7 years and I'm now in Lantana, just north of you. I wanted to say hello and see if you were adjusting to FM. I personally think it's a wonderful city to live in and definitely close to the airport! Hope you're enjoying it and you have a beautiful family.

  2. So happy to see your regular posts. Our GNO was quite different from most years as Jody was giving Haily her birthday party (13 as you know) and Jenny went to a play with her mother in law. Amanda ended up tending Alex ans Taylor and Owen as i tried to mop us the rain water in our basement... It looks like the Graham girls had the best GNO for sure!
