Monday, November 03, 2008

Halloween Review

Appearantly Texas has something against school Halloween celebrations. I heard that it was out of respect for non-celebrating religious groups. I actually think it must have something to do with the number of days to get ready for the dreaded TAAKS test. So, kids didn't get to dress up all day long, just came home from school and put their costumes on. The little girls had the chance to party at pre-school (as pre-school was held in their home, and mom threw a halloween party for school!) Other than that Texas dissapointment, here is a recap on the holiday's festivities...
Carving Pumpkins with our local missionaries.
Porter, A Jedi Knight who didn't like carrying his light saber or wearing the much sought after jedi cloak.
Two adorable fairy princesses (thanks to Erin for letting me raid her fabric stash so flowers could be applied,transforming plain white t-shirts into fairy garb!)
Brynley, ever creative, transformed dress-ups into a magical gypsy costume! All she required were bangels and a swath of fabric to make this great costume. Love her resourcefulness...
And Madi was right on Bryn's heels, using our Vietnamese traditional costumes to create an "Asian princess" costume. Look how long her hair is growing, we could pull it back into a ponytail to complete the look; great costume Madi!
Sadly, this year Mason was pushed through that right of passage called "you are too old to trick or treat". He spent the evening handing out candy with dad and playing video games (when do we get to push him through the right of passage called "you are too old to play video games"?) He even caught up on some homework, so he could hang out with his buddies during the weekend. I was really proud of his maturity, it isn't easy to watch your siblings walk in the door with loads of candy and realize that will never again be you. An upside? He's gleaned plenty of free sugar from siblings and he didn't have to even say "trick or treat".


  1. I have to warn you--the right of passage for "too old to play video games" really never happens . . . oh, it gets put aside for missionary service and a few other important phases of life, but pretty much, it's here to stay! :)

  2. So happy to see these photos! I have been waiting to see your costumes kids, and they look great. Hope you had a very happy time. I love the photo of you carving jack-o-lanters with the missionaries...what a great idea.

    Utah does not seem to have age limits on trick or treaters. I was amazed at the number of high school kids that came to our door. there were a lot of families from other neighborhoods trick or treating too. I would love to not have Halloween in our schools. what a very busy, hard waisted day of school! I would enjoy the Texas way of doing that. Glad everyone shared the loot with Mason...way to go everyone. Love Grandma Noodle

  3. Where did you get the tutus?! I looked for my big girl fairy and ended up creating as flouncy solution... but knowing my track record for this sort of question I'll probably hear Sweden or South Africa. : )

  4. hahaha! I was a gipsy when I was Bryn's age!!! I like her outfit better. :)
