Monday, November 17, 2008

"Mom Day"

Monday at our house is "mom day" which means less than you think. Neither of the girls go off to school today, they instead stay home all day with me. Originally this day was designed by me to be spent gushing and doting on my youngest two. They are growing up too fast, and too much of their time with me is spent taking one of their older siblings somewhere or going somewhere ourselves to meet the needs of this big family (Costco, WalMart, Target-these are all places frequented by me and my girls far too often.)

Monday has pretty much turned into a domestic day, trying to get some bread baked here and there and catching up on laundry while inviting the girls to follow me around or go play happily with each other (this latter concept is still not coming very readily for my darling but jealous-prone daughters). I let the girls pick one activity to do with them on mom day. What does Molly chose EVERY TIME? painting. This morning in our second round of family prayer (she and Lucy often sleep through our 6:20 scripture time, so I have a second round with them after big ones go to school) Molly was thankful for "aat supplies" (think Porter's RRR issue, and pass down to my Molly girl). I wasn't surprised. Painting is what Molly likes best at home, at school or anywhere she can play.

No painting this morning. Instead, after my big kids were safely off to school, my girls and I sat on the couch, with John Rutter's beautiful choir serenading us in the back ground, and we read books together. We were all dressed though not fed, but none of us wanted it to end. Sandra Boynton and Arthur books were near, and my girls cuddled with me in our chilly den and let the world and today's domestic needs wait their turn.

As I read I couldn't help but offer a silent prayer of deep thanks for those little moments when I felt heaven in my home and my daughters warm cheeks smashed up against my own. Sometimes I wish all my time was made up of minutes like these. But it cannot be so. Other things (and people) call for attention, and it is right to be balanced. Still, my heart swells when I stop and quiet my mind to remember that I am called first to mother.

Now on to the needs of the day.


  1. As the youngest of six I may have been a bit neglected while all of you older ones were going through teenagehood, missions and getting married etc. But Mom and Dad sure made up for it during the few precious years where Jess and I were the only kids living in the house. Some of my favorite memories!! Molly and Lucy have a pretty sweet spot in the family! :)

  2. I feel I neglected Making such moments happen when you all were young. I am glad we had the quiet years of Jessica and Jenny's last years at home. but I relly missed the moments such as what you have discribes in you blog. Keep it up Katie, and John too. this is the stuff memories are really made of. these quiet moments make up the feelings of our childhoods...and they really do go with us into adulthood. that warm close feeling will speak more to hteir memories than remembering the vacation or the big time event.

    Love you, my wise daughter!

  3. So sweet! I need to remember to make these quiet moments with my girls. And I love how you mention that we can't have these moments all of the time because of other needs. It's nice to be reminded to just enjoy them when you can. Thanks!

  4. my favorite time of day is reading time with Ruby. she is almost patient enough to make it through some of our bigger books and I love the snuggle time. it does feel like heaven.
