Friday, November 21, 2008

Old Enough to Reach...

Lucy is truly coming of age. At 2+8months under her belt she is asserting her independence and growing into toddler hood. No longer a baby (even her clothing size has graduated from "baby" to "toddler") Lucy is ready and wanting to become big.

As per my recent post, I am tentatively trying to embrace her desires-accept for when it comes to potty training. I'm simply not ready for that. Once the diapers are gone from my house it will be time for some kind of cathartic mourning as that will signal the end of my mothering babies, but on other fronts I'm working to grant Lucy her growth.

She sorts things by color or shape. She can sing her a,b,c's and many other songs as well. She tenderly tells me she loves me and then screams for me to leave her alone. She yanks at the dog's ears and then gives him a kiss. Having learned all the proper cues, she knows to nod when strangers and friends alike pose the daily question "are you so cute?" (a sly little grin with the tiniest nod "yes" is her automatic reply).

She's toddler through and through, and I am trying to be o.k. with that. As she works hard to reach for childhood I'll work to be the one that encourages the stretch.

Happy Friday everybody.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You WANT diapers to STAY for a while longer? I am sorry Katie, that is just wierd!

  3. Can't wait to see this little gal again!

  4. Stinky diapers were the worst of parenting before I was a parent. Now they're not even in the top 10. How's that for weird? :)

  5. btw, great photo to go with this post.
