Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas week in review

John teaches friends how to play our newest game edition "croconole" at our Christmas soup and bread party
Jenna blends in as the most helpful member of our family; keeping dishes done, making the girls' hair spunky and darling, wraping nearly every Christmas present and reminding me to stay calm with moving anxiety serious infringing on my Christmas festivities.
Mason works on his ski jumps and snow bumps while playing the "Wii ski" game Porter was gifted this year
We pile into the car to "ding dong ditch" (Porter's catch phrase) our neighbors and friends, leaving lemon curd and scone mix on their doors with a jolly Merry Christmas! from the Grahams

Hope your Christmas holidays were Merry and Bright! The season is closing all to quickly for me this year as we move from red and green decked halls to newly painted walls and all the preparation that comes on the heels of selling a home...

wish us luck.


  1. i'm so glad jenna was there with you! what fun for the kids, and such help for you! here's wishing for a fast sell and a quick retreat to your new home, which i hope will be within running distance at least! :-)
    Happy New Year KTgirl! ♥

  2. So happy to see those smiling faces - looks like a wonderful Christmas, missed you lots!
