Monday, December 22, 2008

A Houseguest for Christmas!

How lucky are we? This lucky...Jenna came to spend the holidays at our house!

Jenna was one of the first neighbors to knock on our door in Boise, Idaho. Then, a darling 11 year old full of chatty conversation and ga ga's for our babies. She's grown up with us. During the time we've known Jenna we've welcomed two daughters into our family (and she was VERY instrumental in bringing our Molly to her happy little lively self), we've moved 3 times and she's come to see us every Christmas save our last one spent in Africa. A beautiful young woman who can text like lightening and will mezmorize our little ones for hours on end with her attention and affection, Jenna is a gem and a welcome extra member of the Graham crew...

Our kids love Jenna. And for some reason, I guess Jenna loves us.

Probably the best gift of the season; the gift of her presence in our home. The gift of her help at a very chaotic time in our family's life (big announcements to come...soon) and the gift of her desire to be with us. We are comfortable to her, comfortable enough that she'd wake up Christmas morning in our home instead of hers. Very few gifts could be more tender than that.

Welcome Jenna. We'll make room for you here at our inn. So glad you chose to come home to us!


  1. wow, you really do get to live the good life! LUCKY!

  2. Thanks for giving Jenna room in your inn for Christmas. We miss her, but know she's in good hands.
    Love all of you!
