Thursday, December 11, 2008

Some Holly for my Jolly...

We've decorated it twice now. This giant mammoth of a tree has fallen down three times. Ornaments scatter (and break), lights become unstrung, and I become unglued when we hear the loud thud followed by the shatter and crackle of breaking glass...not such a merry way to spend the holiday...
and we had to dig through this to find coats, gloves and hats yesterday morning before I could let the kids go to school...we haven't needed coats for two seasons now, so none of the boy coats fit Porter and none of the girl coats fit Bryn...

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas, its the best time of the year
I don't know if there'll be snow, but have a cup of cheer....

Oh, ho the mistletoe, hung where you can see (and where it can fall down on you...)
somebody waits for you
kiss her once for me!

a little mistletoe and a romantic moment spent with my husband under it would be the perfect remedy to these holly jolly headaches we are experiencing now and then through the holidays ;) Nothing like smooching with weeds hanging over your head to calm the stress of falling tanenbaums (ho ho, I could have used that whole tanenBOMB word through this whole post! I"m cheering up already :)

gotta go. Tree is going, going gone...
Merry Friday everybody


  1. that's IT! I'm gettin' me some mistletoe and hanging it over our bed. What a fabbo idea! Just the ticket. thanks KT!

  2. Our 14 ft. tree fell over 2x yesterday. Yup. I know what you're talking about!
    Merry Christmas!

  3. wow, that's a great one to add t the memory bin. bet you never had that happen before. must be those texas christmas trees...;)

  4. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Oh Katie, I've been there with the tree. That's why I buy All-A-Dollar plastic bulbs, no glass to clean up. As far as snow clothes go, my Emi looks dashing in her hand-me-down army-camo snow coat that Andrew grew out of:) I try to buy only black snow pants now too.

  5. The Universe is telling you something!! You are supossed to be in Utah for Christmas :)
