Monday, January 05, 2009

Coming Up (with the words "our house is up for sale"written way too frequently throughout, sorry

This week you can look for posts on the following topics
1. what our house looks like when it is up for sale (side note; it will be an exercise in showing you a home that looks perfect 24/7 which involves a lot of screaming on my part and staying up late to fluff pillows and mop floors. I HATE, I repeat HATE having a house up for sale...)
2. What I look like when our house is up for sale (these will be visual images not suitable for children, as my face, when our house is up for sale, is consistently frightening and terrifying to small souls-I look like a witch in every sense of the word, sour pucker on the lips, erratically twitching eyes and fingers and usually I wear all black because I am mourning the fact that my house is up for sale.)
3. On the brighter and better side, a post on this year's RESOLUTIONS and how I'm going to try and keep them
4. A check-in on how our kids are doing after a week back to school and a mother who is selling the family abode...

all posts should be coming to you live from this;
Merry Christmas to me!

Have a happy Monday. In preparation for the RESOLUTIONS post, read spiritual enlightenment here


  1. We saw your nice husband at Blake's house lastnight. We will be excited to see you too soon.

  2. spoiled spoiled spoiled. all you have to do is think it and he gets it for you. what would it be like?

  3. Lucky Lucky Girl! I am just a little jealous of a gadget that you have and I don't (see you thought that wasn't possible :)!)

  4. Erin will have it by the end of the day! Erin, the only reason you don't have one is you're too busy traveling to exotic places to spend an afternoon at the Apple Store. :)

  5. Good luck with the move. I am sure yours will sell quicker than ours, I had 99 showings before it sold. I know it was in the Lord's hands, but 99 times I left the house in pristine condition with four kids and a dog. It wasn't the big kids so much as little Audrey and the dog. I learned so much from it though. I really can't see you as a witch. You are truly one of the happiest and most positive people I know.

  6. I love following your day to day lives. So excited to have you all heading back closer to us ALL.
