Friday, January 16, 2009


This is where we were exactly one year ago (I know for sure because iphoto can show you your pictures by DATE, one more reason owning an Apple makes you cool. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Mr. Steve Jobs.).

At a museum.
With our Grandma.
In South Africa.
Getting ready to move.

So today, as we get ready to move (nope, no bites on the house yet, just showing a little faith), and with a Grandma in tow (only not the same Grandma. Hi to Grandma G., we miss you! Welcome to Grandma Noodle, so glad you and Pappa Field could come visit Texas one last time!) we will go to a museum. Just not the same museum as last year.

But a museum
with a Grandma.
in Texas.
Getting ready to move.

We'll take pictures of our museum trip and share a few with you here, as well as a review of the museum itself.
And hopefully while we are away from our house just the right family will be brought by their realtor to see it, and decide to buy it, and we will then be officially

Moving forward.


  1. I loved being the Grandma this time that got to be with you polishing your countertops for potential buyers and going to the Boy Scout museum! I had a great time seeing Dallas for the last time. Thank you!

    Love you kids! Grandma Noodle
