Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Missing you already

Thanks for coming to see us Mom and Dad. We miss you already. Molly is asking when we will be going to your house (its our turn to go to their house NOW mom!) and Lucy insisted all day yesterday that you were "just at their work..." and you'd be back in time for dinner. Thank heaven for the power of distraction-we whisked her off to Mason's court of honor (Look for details tomorrow on the trail to eagle update!) and somehow avoided major "lack of grandparent" disappointment.

I love you. I'm so glad I belong to you. My life is rich and good because of the way you raised me. Your testimony of God's love and Christ's reality and atonement are sustaining powers in my life. Your example to my children is eternal. You are some of those angels spoken of here who are at times sent directly from heaven to remind me that I am not alone nor my family forgotten in this great big universe we live in.

see you soon.