Thursday, January 29, 2009

Once upon a time there were 4 children
Who needed a place of calm and rest
Places of rest and calm were found in the homes of cousins, aunts and uncles
and the children grew
and their mother grew too
and with much pain and sacrifice
that mother came to see
that some of her children needed to belong to the families they'd been loved by
and that those families would have sorrow and pain without her children
and that her children would have sorrow and pain without those loving families
so she, out of the greatest kind of mothering love there is
gave two of those children to two of those families.

One of those families is mine. And her daughter is my daughter, Molly.
One of those families is my parents'. And her son is my parents' new son.
Not new, in a way, because they've loved him and nurtured him for more than 4 years.
but new, in a way, because on Teusday a judge gave him their last name, and made him my newest brother.

So, my parents, who are grandparents, are new parents again.
congratulations to them. And congratulations to their boy, my little brother Alex.


Tami said...

Congratulations! What an amazing family you have!

Jenny and Josh said...

Hurray! As soon as I can get my camera charged and get to the internet again I will blog the whole story. It was a VERY sweet day!

amanda jane said...

hurray for Alexander James Hadfield! and Molly, too!

Mindy said...

This post is so sweet. It was so much fun sitting with Grandpa on this special day and we added Alex to the list of his grandsons. Alex makes it an even 10! Welcome to my new cousin.

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is Tryn...
I've been very scared to look at your profile for quite some time and contact you.
It's wonderful to know that my half-sister was adopted into such an amazing and wonderful family; I wish I had gotten to see her in person. I've seen some of the pictures, she is beautiful.
If this is an intrusion, I'm sorry.. but could you please send me some pictures of her, Alex, and if you have any of Zeke please?
I don't have that many and t helps sometimes.
My email is
I know she or any of my siblings don't know or remember me.. but could I please still have some pictures and updates??