Thursday, January 22, 2009

Trail to Eagle Update...

Clear last summer I posted about Mason's advancement toward Eagle scout.

Have I mentioned that I have been recently converted to the scouting program? Well, I have.

Lots of baggage from my youth unloaded (why can't girls go to scout camp? how come we spend so much money for my brother to have a cool scout uniform but no money gets spent for me to have an awesome school uniform -gerbeau jeans-...?). I am new in the gospel of merit badges and scout camps.

Not that this hasn't been a long time coming. When John hiked more than 150 miles with a bunch of scouts in Boise I could see how it changed the lives of those boys. I wanted that for my own son someday. A strong and good man (bunch of men, actually) who would help him stay straight and fly right, and take him from our home and let him live in the great outdoors without getting him lost or killed.

I have wanted that. And now we have it. And I am converted.

This program can make men out of boys. And not just men who can make rope swings out of twine. Men who understand that integrity is not out of date and that honor is worth earning, and keeping.

So enough about my conversion. It's Mason I want to celebrate.
On Teusday Mason received the rank of Life Scout. This is one rank away from becoming an Eagle. It is a hard earned honor. I'm proud of him (and me) for the efforts made to gain it.

Continue with us on the trail to his eagle. Almost to the peak!


  1. Very proud of my Mason Man! Please give him a hug from me.

    BTW - Think i was pretty lucky to be one of the girls in the fam to be a Girl Scout, while this is not a program sponsored by the church, my experiences in that program were very positive - and for me a first oportunity to be one of many different backgrounds. Might be something you would want to consider for Bryn and Mad?

    Love you!

  2. GO Mason! Keep it up! We are very proud of you!
    Jenny and Josh

  3. If you move into our ward Dave would be his scout master!!!!!! James, Erica and Noah are all excited for you to move back to Utah! James just asked me the other day when Mason would be back?

  4. As a long time scouter...Good job! Only about 5% of scouts achieve the rank of Eagle, Mason will surely be in that elite group.

  5. always happy to celebrate Mason - and his mom! ;) well done.

  6. Bryn doesn't want to be a girl scout because she doesn't want to sell cookies. Sounds like similar logic to her deciding not to play soccer because the shorts aren't cute??
