Thursday, February 26, 2009

Little to Say and the flowers by my bed are still beautiful

I have little to say today. A few random sentences;

1. I am blissfully uninformed about most current events and especially about politics. What I can hear from NPR while driving (of course, this is contingent upon my daughters not needing to sing, scream, snore or cry in the car while I drive) is what I get. I have not heard all of the President's recent speech, but what I did hear made me think he is trying to - like most president's before him - promise to both spend money and cut back our country's borrowing at the same time. I've been trying to spend and save for years, and it just doesn't work.

2. I would like an invitation, to your blogs. Many of you comment and I eagerly enjoy every word you write, and then if I "click" on your names I get this thing that says I'm not invited to see your life. I understand, I totally get that. But, if you think I'm safely not going to stalk your children would you let me come into your blog and make comments like "thanks for this post, it made my day" or "you are so creative!" or the like. I'd really like to send that love your way, promise.

3. Fridays are not coming fast enough right now. There are 12 school weeks left, and my kids are acting like there are 5. This is going to hurt, I can tell!

4. Michele Wilks saved my bacon yesterday by giving me a gallon of her milk and a loaf of her bread so I didn't have to go into the store, at dinner time, with all my children, to buy those completely can't make it through the morning without items. THANK YOU MICHELE!

5. Mason finished his cross country season yesterday with a 10:13 run. Fabulous. Last week's was even faster, 10:06. Yes people, he ran a mile in 7 minutes and then another half of one in 3:06. Amazing to me, the 10 minute miler. My pride in him is ooozing out every pore this morning.

6. Last one. This weekend is our Stake conference, and I'm seriously looking forward to it. Not only do we have this truly inspired and fantastic Stake President to learn from, but on Sunday we get to hear from President Uchtdorf and Elder Cook. Awesome.

even when I have little to say I write paragraphs. Oh well. Happy Thursday


  1. Just saying "Hi!" and letting you know I check in regularly -- love reading about your daily lives and thoughts -- I can empathize with so much and sympathize with the other!! I don't comment often, but do enjoy reading your blog!! So hope that's okay!! Just thought I'd let you know a distant friend cares about you and still thinks about you!

  2. Hope your weekend goes well. Are the General Authorities visiting or is it an e-conference? Tell Mason congratulations! I had not Idea he was that fast! Hope the kids get over the spring feaver and kuckle down to the studies and keep track of tohse big assignments that are scheduled now but not due until the last few weeks of school and they are a hugh part of the grade...they really sneek up on ya! Enjoy the good weather while you have it. And may a serious buyer walk through your door soon. Love you all.

  3. I love reading your blog, I checked mine and you are still a reader with your g-mail address. If you have a new or different address, let me know and I will gladly reinvite you! Have a great day!

  4. Luck! Telling you - living outside of UT does have some advantages. :)

    Did you see my email btw? Some big news has happened my friend - but it probably isn't the big news that you are thinking....


  5. Two members of the 12?
    Whats going on in Dallas?
    I'm jealous

  6. Hi Katie,

    I linked to your blog from a friends website, DeAnne Flynn. I clicked on your blog link because you live in Flower Mound... I have a wonderful friend who lives in Double Oak, Christina McIntyre. Small world, eh?

    You express yourself so well on your blog. I find it inspiring.

    Thanks for sharing!
